Am 23.12.2020 um 13:07 schrieb Artur Tarassow:
Am 23.12.20 um 12:00 schrieb Brian Revell:
> Is there any way to update variables that are functions of another,
> if the original variable Y has been amended or updated . The former
> is straightforward to edit Y's values. But I am not clear that for
> example, l-Y is automatically recalculated. And if l-Y has already
> been used in a session, Gretl will not let it be deleted giving the
> error message cannot be deleted variable in use..
> Suggestions around this issue welcomed
Hi Brian,
Nothing gets automatically re-computed -- which is good. If you want
to re-compute anything, you should make use of a function which needs
to be called each time you have new/ different input variables.
Perhaps it should be added that it is not necessary to write a formal
function. For example there's the command log that automatically records
everything (well, almost) you did in a gretl session. See Tools/Command
log. That is basically a script you could replay (or parts of it
probably) again to update the construction.