I imported some daily daily data into gretl using the ods importer.
Dates were in column one and variable names in row 1. It recognised
my data as a daily time series with 5 days per week and had the
correct start date. Excellent!! However I found a small problem (or
at least it did not do exactly what i wanted). The first few rows of
the ods file were
Date Alpha Beta Gamma Delta
1991-12-30 1.6490 -0.0307 0.5301 -0.0587
1991-12-31 1.6497 -0.0303 0.5303 -0.0588
1992-01-02 1.6510 -0.0273 0.5304 -0.0583
1992-01-03 1.6517 -0.0260 0.5305 -0.0581
1992-01-06 1.6517 -0.0258 0.5305 -0.0582
1992-01-07 1.6515 -0.0245 0.5301 -0.0576
The first of these is a Monday. Note that Wednesday 1992-01-01 was
missing from my data set as this is a bank holiday. Gretl however
inserted a 1 January date and allocated the data from 2 January to 1
January. I assume that gretl decides correctly that the series is
daily, 5 days per week, and starts on 1991-12-30. It then sets up a
list of dates with 5 days per week and allocates the data to those
dates without reference to the dates on the ods file.
Would it be possible for a future version of the ods importer to check
that the dates correspond. If they did not perhaps it could write NAs
in the gretl file against the missing date and then check the next
Best Regards
On 08/11/2007, Sven Schreiber <svetosch(a)gmx.net> wrote:
Allin Cottrell schrieb:
> On Wed, 7 Nov 2007, Sven Schreiber wrote:
>> <just sent Allin a file off list where the top two rows are empty, the
>> third row holds the labels, and then the actual data start at row 4>
>> Actually, if I tell gretl to start reading at row 2 (instead of 3), I
>> get a strange error: 'sheet row 2, column 2("const"): expected
>> string but found numerical value' (where the row-2/col-2-cell in fact is
>> empty).
> Thanks for the file, very helpful.
> I didn't realize ODS does "number-row-repeated" as well as
> "number-column-repeated". The importer in CVS/snapshot should now
> work better.
Thanks I will test tomorrow (hopefully).
> However, on the date strings, I don't really feel like putting
> a lot of work into fixing up data that are written back to front!
> (These data start in 2006 and end in 1997.) That can be fixed
> using sortby() followed by setobs.
Of course, I wasn't complaining about that, it's just the first file I
came across on my disk.
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John C Frain
Trinity College Dublin
Dublin 2