I honestly don't know whether I'm being helpful or annoying. If it's
the latter, then please accept my apologies. However, the labels on
graphs are not always adequately suggestive. Forex, for a structural
auroregression, you can graph IRFs by shock and by var. Let's say you
do one first then the other. The variable names do appear on the
graphs, but "by shock" and "by var" do not, and keeping the graphs
straight can become confusing. Sure you can manually edit them to add
descriptive info, but why not just do so automatically? Ditto for some
of the Filter options under the Variable menu. I recall that one or
two are suggestively labeled (e.g. fractional differences, and
especially Baxter-King), but not moving average, exponential moving
average, Hodrick-Prescott, etc.