On Fri, 19 Apr 2013, artur tarassow wrote:
I've got another problem,
I am trying check whether the variable "time" is present in list L1. This
correct position is shown in the first example below. But if I add this
inlist-command to a function environment, the scalar check2 = 0 but should
be 2. I am using gretl (built: 2013-03-17) on Windows.
set messages off
set echo off
open denmark --quiet
ols LRM const time diff(LRM)
L1 = $xlist
scalar check1 = inlist(L1,const)
scalar check2 = inlist(L1,time)
#Within a function check2 gives the wrong result
ols LRM const time diff(LRM)
L1 = $xlist
function void Ltest (list L)
scalar check1 = inlist(L,const)
print check1
scalar check2 = inlist(L,time)
print check2
end function
This is rather confusing, admittedly, but it's not exactly a
bug. The point is that series supplied to a function via a
list argument are in a different namespace from series defined
within the function. This would be more apparent if you tried
scalar check = inlist(L, d_LRM)
inside your function: you'd get an error, because the series
d_LRM is not "visible" as such within the function.
I'll think about this issue some more (and how best to resolve
and/or document it). But in the meantime you can do the test
you want by iterating over the list, as in
function void Ltest (list L)
loop foreach i L
if "$i" == "time"
printf "time: list position = %d\n", i
end function