Hello everybody,
in version 1.9.14 running a test of a linear constraint after OLS
estimation (i.e., model -> OLS -> test -> linear constraint) I do not
get the weights of the constraint printed correctly at the top of the
output box - decimal digits seem to go missing. For instance, the constraint
b[advert] + 3.8*b[sq_advert] = 1
is printed as
b[advert] + 3*b[sq_advert] = 1
I guess the formatting instructions need to be sorted out.
Stefano Fachin
Professore Ordinario di Statistica Economica
Dip. di Scienze Statistiche
Università di Roma "La Sapienza"
P.le A. Moro 5 - 00185 Roma - Italia
Tel. +39-06-49910834
fax +39-06-49910072
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