I tried it with my Mac version and it does not crash. However, your last
estimation returns an error message.
You have so many missing values in your instruments and dependent
variable that the second stage OLS cannot be computed. In the first
stage OLS 31 observations are dropped because of missing values. In the
the second stage, there are only 3 observations can coincide. I don't
know why it crashed, but I know that you cannot estimate that model.
On 10-11-25 11:45 AM, Yangbo Du wrote:
Whenever I run TSLS using the attached script file for each
pure rate of time preference across three regressors (each of the
three UN HDI components) and three instruments, gretl crashes after
only a few regression runs. Any assistance with resolving this issue
will be highly appreciated. The data file and the output from running
the script are also attached.
Yangbo Du
Gretl-users mailing list
*Pierre Chaussé*
Assistant Professor
Department of Economics
University of Waterloo