Hello all!
I've just joined the list and I'm a brand new user of -gretl-. I've only
been using it for three days and I must praise the team for delivering a
highly usable, flexible and interactive package that runs pretty much all
of the econometric models that I want to fit (and a big, fat users' guide,
too!) - and for free. Can't say fairer than that.
I do have one query, however. Following Allison (2009), I'm seeking to
implement his alternative to the Hausman test after fitting a random
effects panel model, which he argues has "probably better statistical
properties" than Hausman. On pp. 23-27, he lays out the following steps:
(a) leave Y untransformed;
(b) calculate and include the unit-specific means (M) for each time-varying
X variable (which I did quite easily by adding variables and using the
-pmean()- command);
(c) calculate and include the mean deviations (D) from the same X
variables' unit-specific means (dvar=var-mvar));
(d) include all relevant time-invariant Z variables;
(e) run the random effects GLS panel model: Y = DX1 + MX1 + DX2 + MX2 + DXk
+ MXk + Z1 + Z2 + Zk + e)
(f) in place of the Hausman test of fixed vs. random, run the Wald test for
the equality of all pairs of X coefficients, with the null representing
I decided to test this out on the -abdata- dataset, regressing w on the
transformed pairs of the variable set {n,k,ys} and the T-1 time dummies:
Model 2: Random-effects (GLS), using 1031 observations
Included 140 cross-sectional units
Time-series length: minimum 7, maximum 9
Dependent variable: w
coefficient std. error t-ratio p-value
const -2.58543 2.27350 -1.137 0.2557
m_n -0.0900681 0.0361907 -2.489 0.0130 **
d_n -0.107425 0.0200510 -5.358 1.04e-07 ***
m_k 0.0852161 0.0320885 2.656 0.0080 ***
d_k 0.0572876 0.0171438 3.342 0.0009 ***
m_ys 1.27558 0.490848 2.599 0.0095 ***
d_ys 0.214818 0.0492901 4.358 1.44e-05 ***
dt_2 -0.0745933 0.0110719 -6.737 2.70e-11 ***
dt_9 0.0319181 0.0176179 1.812 0.0703 *
Mean dependent var 3.142988 S.D. dependent var 0.263008
Sum squared resid 65.49712 S.E. of regression 0.253776
Log-likelihood -42.06415 Akaike criterion 114.1283
Schwarz criterion 188.2026 Hannan-Quinn 142.2399
'Within' variance = 0.0058566
'Between' variance = 0.0506465
Wald test for joint significance of time dummies
Asymptotic test statistic: Chi-square(8) = 224.855
with p-value = 3.62557e-44
Breusch-Pagan test -
Null hypothesis: Variance of the unit-specific error = 0
Asymptotic test statistic: Chi-square(1) = 2994.67
with p-value = 0
Hausman test -
Null hypothesis: GLS estimates are consistent
Asymptotic test statistic: Chi-square(11) = 21.8284
with p-value = 0.0257372
Everything goes to plan until I try to implement step (f). Clicking on the
Tests tab and then selecting Lingg ear Restrictions, I typed:
b[m_n] = b[d_n]
but I receive a "parse error in 'b[m_n] = b[d_n]'" error message.
the spaces either side of the = made no difference. I only got results by
Restriction set
1: b[m_n] - b[d_n] = 0
2: b[m_k] - b[d_k] = 0
3: b[m_ys] - b[d_ys] = 0
Test statistic: F(3, 1016) = 3.27298, with p-value = 0.0205637
This test would appear to comprehensively reject the RE model in favour of
retaining the FE model. Or does it? Is this an acceptable test in place of
the Wald test for jointly equal parameters that I can't run in -gretl-?
Since the shape of the F and chi-square distributions are virtually
identical and we have the obvious mathematical statement that (var1 = var2)
= (var1 - var2 = 0), is it not acceptable to use the results of this test
instead to come to the same conclusion? If not, how can I implement the
Wald test in -gretl-? It must be possible!
Thanks once again.
Clive Nicholas (
[Please DO NOT mail me personally here, but at <clivenicholas(a)hotmail.com>.
Please respond to contributions I make in a list thread here. Thanks!]
Allison PD (2009) Fixed Effects Regression Models, QASS Series Paper
07-160, Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage