Hello all,
Here's an update on progress towards gretl 1.6.0. Those of you
who build gretl from CVS, or make a habit of downloading the
latest Windows snapshot, may be aware of these things already,
* The reorganization and polishing of the GUI menus is now
completed, so far as I am concerned. If anyone has strenuous
objections to the way things stand, please say so now.
* Also along the lines of GUI polish, I recently reorganized the
buttons at the bottom of GUI windows, at least those that have
"standard" buttons (with icons). I'm afraid this may at
first disorient people who were familiar with the old setup (me
included!), but the pattern is consistent with Gnumeric, which I
presume is in turn consistent with the Gnome Human Interface
In brief, the rightmost button is now the "normal completion of
task" button, usually "OK" but sometimes "Close". If a Help
item is present, it's always the leftmost button. In between
are things like "Cancel" and "Apply". Up till now, "OK" and
"Cancel" have been inverted in gretl, relative to this scheme.
* Time series filters: We now have moving average (centered or
not, as you prefer), exponential moving average,
Hodrick-Prescott and Baxter-King available in the GUI for time
series data, under /Variable/Filters. This knocks off another
"expert" item that was previously available only in command-line
mode. Thanks to Tadeusz Kufel for helpful suggestions on the
moving average option.
* The GUI apparatus for building, editing and opening function
packages has been redesigned and, I think, improved. However,
it still has to be classed as "experimental". I would like to
get this working really well, because I think gretl's scripting
capacity is now at the point where user-contributed functions
can have a real impact. But I'm resigned to the fact that this
probably won't be finalized for 1.6.0. It's complicated.