Am 20.06.2022 um 07:59 schrieb Fred Engst:
I’m sorry, Sven, but as you can see, I did start a new thread.
Well, I don't know where the error occurred, but in my email program
this post of yours shows up as a reply to the other message "Repeatable
crash", for example. Usually in the past that was a sign of people
hitting reply and then changing the subject line, but maybe something
else happened here.
It's clear that in the age of forums and web discussion tools less and
less people are used to mailing lists, and it is a disadvantage of those
classic tools that things are less automatic
As I said before, I have a need to loop through quit a few .gretl files I get from my
students and to find something inside each of them, for example model outputs saved in the
.gretl files.
I can’t do loops with .gretl files like I do with .gdt files.
Here is a sample script:
Thanks for the example script. Here's a standalone version which doesn't
require other files on disk:
open denmark
store check1.gretl
store check2.gretl
loop i = 1..2
open "check$i.gretl" # also tried without quotes
This indeed sends the latest snapshot (on Win 10) into a non-responsive
state for me, the OS being needed to shut gretl down.