I've got another question regarding gnuplot. At the moment gretl
automatically draws a 2nd yaxis (if it is not suppressed by the
"--single-yaxis" option) if a certain criteria is fulfilled. However, is
there a way to specify manually a separate variable (or a list of vars)
to a 2nd yaxis?
Of course one could write a function doing so; more concretely
specifying the necessary lines such as
set y2tics
plot \
'-' using 1:($2) axes x1y2 title "LRY (right)" w lines, \
'-' using 1:($2) axes x1y1 title "d_LRY (left)" w lines
but if it could be done within the literal-framework it much simpler...
This is not a feature request -- writing a script is quickly done as
I've got some templates for this.