On Mon, 13 Sep 2010, John C Frain wrote:
I have had a quick look at the new version and it looks good. Two
small suggestions -
1) The inclusion of the -99999 value makes a bit of a mess of the two
graphs which include the original series. Would it be possible to use
Table B1 (Original series pre-adjusted for outliers and missing
Sorry, not sure what graphs you mean. I'm not seeing any -99999s
in the graphs that gretl produces.
2) Trading day adjustment with the default turned off. This would
enable one to get rid of the trading day warning in the .err file
which occurs when adjusting the teste data.
Is that warning a problem?
Would it be worthwhile to present the .err file in a third window?
We show the .err file when x12a fails to produce the goods. Do you
think we need it otherwise?