On Sun, May 26, 2024 at 8:43 AM Sven Schreiber
<sven.schreiber(a)fu-berlin.de> wrote:
Am 23.05.2024 um 20:55 schrieb Allin Cottrell:
> * Fix: when you invoke a "factorized boxplot" (also mentioned by Sven)
> the window that displays the plot has a right-click menu including the
> item "Numerical summary". This ought to provide quick access to basic
> summary stats by value of the factor, but it was broken for the case
> where the factor variable is string-valued (like AreaRegion in your
> test data file). You'd get the message "Data error". That's now
Thanks, Allin, I can see the result table. However, the numbers are
flowing into each other, I think that separating spaces are needed
between the columns. Example:
AreaRegion Mittel min Q1 Median
Q3 max
Australia - Oceania 1.5576e+006 1647.0
14750.1.0373e+0052.9862e+0052.5810e+007 (n=22)
Oof, that's a Windows-specific problem. (The Microsoft C library
insists on printing the exponent of a floating point number to 3
digits, which for socioeconomic data generally means with two leading
zeros.) Maybe we should try skipping the extra leading zero in our
Windows builds.