Am 28.09.2022 13:38 schrieb Alison Loddick:
I think this is a simple question but I am new to Gretl and keep
trying things without success
I have data with variables and years as columns, and my rows are
companies, so my data variables look like
Company name,ROE_year 1, ROE_year 2, ROE_year 3, ROE_year 4, Var2_year
1, Var2_year 2, Var2_year 3, Var2_year 4, Var3_year 1, Var3_year 2,
Var3_year 3, Var3_year 4, Etc.
I thought I could read this as crossectional panel data, but it
doesn't work. I know I can read in stacked time series, but the data
doesn't come in that format and involves a lot of manual changing. My
question is therefore can I do something with this data that is
straightforward? I will need to teach it to students, so I need to
make it as easy as possible.
Thank you for any help you can give me
Hi Alison,
please have a look at the stack() function ("help stack") and also at
"stack_data" package via:
pkg install stack_data
help stack_data
You need to stack your series which refer to some specific year. Later
you can "join" the company name to your panel.
Hope that helps