I have a similar problem. Below I have included an extract from my
console after calling R from Gretl. After the call i get the message
gretldata <- read.table("C:/Documents and Settings/John C
Frain/Application Data/gretl/Rdata.tmp", header=TRUE)
Error in
eval.with.vis(expr, envir, enclos) :
could not find function "read.table"
The function read.table is available. Entering the command passed by
Gretl to R in the console works perfectly. I am not sure if the
problem is with R or Gretl or in the interaction between the two.
Entering the command by hand is a work around for my problem.
Best Regards
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R is a collaborative project with many contributors.
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Type 'q()' to quit R.
gretldata <- read.table("C:/Documents and Settings/John C
Frain/Application Data/gretl/Rdata.tmp", header=TRUE)
Error in
eval.with.vis(expr, envir, enclos) :
could not find function "read.table"
read.table("C:/Documents and Settings/John C Frain/Application
Data/gretl/Rdata.tmp", header=TRUE)
Col__1 Col__2 Col__3
Col__4 Col__5 Col__6
1 0.0073456667 NA -0.0055041710 -2.75740526 0.867183037 NA
2 0.0058657500 NA -0.0592110000 2.19626290 0.067816471 NA
3 0.0015796667 NA -0.0411151518 5.42910329 -1.557739367 NA
4 0.0095218333 NA 0.0273719016 -7.17392813 2.112592992 NA
5 0
On 07/05/07, andreas.karlsson(a)ltv.se <andreas.karlsson(a)ltv.se> wrote:
I have now downloaded and installed the latest Windows snapshot of gretl.
Regarding the bug for gretl's interaction with R, I see that it is now
mainly fixed.
A minor bug that is still hanging on:
Using Tools > Start GNU R results in an error message: "File not found.",
but R is still started correctly, and in the in Tools > Preferences
>General > Programs > Command to launch GNU R box the correct path to R is
After closing R and using Tools > Start GNU R again, the error message has
disappeared and R starts correctly.
However, after closing gretl and restarting it the path to R has again
disappeared from the Tools > Preferences >General > Programs > Command to
launch GNU R box, and when clicking on Tools > Start GNU R the error
message: "File not found." appears again, but R is still started correctly,
and in the in Tools > Preferences >General > Programs > Command to launch
GNU R box the correct path to R is added.
Thanks for a great software!
Med vänliga hälsningar / Best regards
Andreas Karlsson
Gretl-users mailing list
John C Frain
Trinity College Dublin
Dublin 2