Suppose we have a Time series Data in gretl generated as a simple TS:
z_t = p * z_{t-1} + u_t; -1 < p < 1
x_t = a + b * t + z_t;
Two scenarios:
1. We build an OLS model (no lags, static model)
2. We build Time series (say Cochrane-Orcutt) model (no lags, static model)
In scenario 1: If we make Graphs -> Fitted, actual plots -> Against time, we obtain
normal" regression line.
In scenario 2: If we make Graphs -> Fitted, actual plots -> Against time, we obtain
fact a static 1-step ahead forecast plot.
I understand the difference beetwen time series and cross-sectional data but why two
different plots are obtained via exactly the same sounded menus?
Jaroslaw Gramacki