Hello all, greetings from Paris !
First, let me hotly thank you for the work around system estimation. Please
apologize for the late response, having been mobilized on many other things.
Effectively Riccardo, I will have to adapt my scripts to compute the
elasticities by the delta method, thanx again. I used to test different
formulas adapted mainly from Green & Alston (1994) paper, and also a WP from
Barnett and Seck:
In this paper matrix formulas are given, as you said, differences are small,
and it seems that it is mainly the case for agregate data.
I intended to compute elasticities by bootstrap, but dit not have the time to
work along this line.
A this stage I begin a project where we estimate an AIDS on a pseudopanel, so
it is very good news to be able to retreive the estimated coefficient in
system estimation, thanx Allin !
We intend to test in the future different flexible forms, so they may be
included as functions later, Let me know if you are interested in my progress
Cheers all,