You have to select two variables in the variable list (Ctrl+Left mouse button)
to activate them.
To the developers: Maybe it would be better if you could construct a GUI
dialogue, somewhat like the GUI dialogues for model selections (like for OLS)
for selecting the variables instead? It would be more intuitive and easier for
a user to understand how to select the variables.
javigarcia83(a)yahoo.es @ INTERNET skrev 2007-03-09 10:30:46 :
Hi Allin;
I wanted to comment you that, in my Gretl 1.6.1, the correlation
matrix, cross tabulation, main components, Mahalanobis distance and
cross correlogram are always inactive, independently of the type of
data set I have (time series, cross section or panel data), is there
any problem with it?? Maybe is necessary install any specific
program to complete Gretl (like TRAMO or ARIMA X12)