On Sun, 19 May 2013, Gabriela Nodari wrote:
Thank you for your answer.
I got the output saved in eps format. However, it consists only of a part
of the whole graph. I don't know what is going on. Could you please take a
look to my code? The data reports IRFs results.
Please notice that I have reduce the time horizon for ease of exposition,
i.e. you will find "xrange" until 60, whereas I have reported here only 4
point estimates per IRF.
set term postscript eps "Times New Roman Bold,13" size 640,480
You're asking here for a plot that's 640 x 480 inches (the
inch being the default unit when specifying the size of an EPS
plot). Make that something sane and you should be OK.
More generally, in gnuplot, try "help postscript".
Allin Cottrell