The new gretl 1.6.0 looks very nice. Great job. Thanks Allin, Jack and
everybody involved in making gretl both a sophisticated and also
excellent quality program.
On 9/13/06, Riccardo Jack Lucchetti <r.lucchetti(a)> wrote:
version 1.6.0 has been out for a few hours and the number of downloads from
the sourceforge site already shows a big spike up.
Thanks to everyone who helped with translatins and bug reports, but a HUGE
round of applause goes to Allin.
Wonderful job, mate.
Riccardo "Jack" Lucchetti
Dipartimento di Economia
FacoltĂ di Economia "G. FuĂ "
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enough people to make it worth the effort. - Herm Allbright