Two suggestions for the next version of gretl, if you deem them worthy
of attention:
1. The new forecasting platform of gretl is SUPERB and allows one to
carry out model estimation and forecasting without the need for any
additional calculations or backtransformations. Would you consider
adding similar capabilities in ARMA, i.e. making the ARMA platform look
like an ARIMA platform that would, in other words, allow the user to
specify the degree of differencing and let gretl take care of the rest?
2. When gretl plots a scatterplot in which zero is included in the Y
range, the zero reference line is plotted nicely as a DOTTED line and
this translates correctly to either a PDF or an EPS graphics file.
UNFORTUNATELY when copying/pasting or saving the file as a Windows
metafile, this dotted line becomes SOLID. I am sure there is a solution
to this in gnuplot BUT it should not be trivial. Would you consider
fixing this so one may readily copy/paste graphic files into, say, a
Word document?
John Paravantis
University of Piraeus