I am currently using Gretl to run GARCH model for volatility of daily
return of IBM stock estimation.
However, I can't match the result from gretl and the GARCH formula.
What I know is: ht=ω+α(r−m)^2+βσ^2
But, what I got is:
Variable Coefficient
const 0.000553614
alpha(0) 9.90527e-06
alpha(1) 0.108505
beta(1) 0.879647
Mean of dependent variable = 9.79994e-005
Standard deviation of dep. var. = 0.0244575
Unconditional error variance = 0.000836019
Log-likelihood = 2387.036
AIC = -4764.073
BIC = -4739.534
I think α(0) is ω.
But I don't know which is ht and what does const mean.
Thank you for your help.
Have a good weekend.
Manabu Ohinata