Hi again, let me put this information about new features in the
development (= not yet released) version into this separate message.
(And no, there's no schedule yet for when the next version will be
I'm not going to repeat the entire changelog which I linked to in the
previous message; this is just about the stuff that might be most
interesting for the end user:
- A hansl (scripting) function distance(): "evaluate the distance
between points on various metrics such as Euclidean, Manhattan, Hamming,
Chebyshev, Cosine and Mahalanobis"
- Also for scripting: you can now use the keyword "end" for indexing
into multi-element objects, to denote the last entry or item. I'm not
sure if this is already documented, by the way, but basically "end" can
stand in for rows(x), cols(x), nelem(x), depending on the context.
- Panel data time dimension: This handling has been much improved. For
example, creating a new panel dataset in the GUI is now much easier, you
can directly enter the wanted n and T dimensions. And restricting the
sample in the GUI is now also possible in the time dimension.
Again, this only concerns the next version (and current snapshots)!