2012/7/20 Sven Schreiber <svetosch(a)gmx.net>:
On 07/20/2012 08:22 AM, Riccardo (Jack) Lucchetti wrote:
> On Thu, 19 Jul 2012, Trevor Zink wrote:
>> I'm estimating a simultaneous equations model using TSLS (or 3SLS).
>> However,
>> my residuals are clearly serially correlated, so I would like to run
>> it in
>> AR(1) specification. It's not apparent to me how to do that in gretl.
>> In EViews, one simply adds the regression term 'AR(1)' and it does some
>> .magic. I believe it just adds lags of the endogenous RHS and LHS
>> variables
>> to the instruments list, but I'm unable to recreate eviews results with
>> gretl using the "lags" options in the TSLS dialogue.
I don't think gretl has a super-quick way of imitating this exact
specification. If that's really what you need exactly (and chances are
it is not, see below), you (roughly, and no guarantees) would need to
add the first lag of all the variables to the list of explanatory
variables (and instruments), and restrict the coefficients of these lags
to have the same proportion to their non-lagged coefficients. See the
'restrict' command, but I'm actually not sure right now if this type of
restriction is supported, especially in a system context. Just adding
the lags without restricting them is fine, too, but of course it adds
more parameters to estimate and is not equivalent.
> I don't know what Eviews does. It'd be interesting to know: however, a
> perfectly sane strategy (which may well be what Eviews in fact does)
> would be including one or more lags of the LHS variable among the
> exogenous variables of your model, that is both as explanatory variables
> and instruments.
I agree with Jack, this is probably enough to deal with the
autocorrelation and also computationally more robust.
I'm pretty sure Eviews actually does what it says, it models the errors
as an AR(1) process: (1-\rho L) u_t = e_t, and so multiplies through the
entire equation with (1-\rho L), not just the LHS. In the system case
I'm not sure if it uses/imposes the same \rho for all equations.
BTW, I have to say that the flexibility of EViews in the simultaneous
equation area is impressive. For a recently published paper we needed
non-linear 3SLS and Eviews had it. Granted, we discovered a pretty
obvious bug there (had nothing to do with the numerical maximization),
which seems to indicate that nobody is using that stuff, otherwise the
bug probably would have been discovered before. (The bug was quickly
fixed by their staff.) So that doesn't mean gretl should invest much
effort there, but there are cases where even Eviews comes in handy.
Please note from EViews' manual: "EViews estimates the model as a
nonlinear regression model (...), require specification of additional
instruments to satisfy the instrument order condition for the transformed
specification. By default, the first-stage instruments employed in TSLS are
formed as if one were running Cochrane-Orcutt using Fair’s prescription."
Therefore you cannot replicate the results using 2SLS in gretl or
other software given that 2SLS are linear models. The fact that EViews
does a nonlinear regression is rooted in the Cochrane-Orcutt procedure
which, in the standard LS context, imposes constraints on the coefficients.
I agree with Sven and Jack that you could add more lags to your model
in order to deal with the "AR(1)-problem". Also, note that EViews' approach
is based on Fair (1970) solution. For sure there are more recent papers
regarding this issue.
All the best, Rodrigo.