Dear all,
I am playing around (again) with the filter() function. I took a simple
example similar to the one in the gretl guide, and I am wondering why
the use of the filter() function for series "y2" doesn't yield the same
results as for series "y" even though the weight for the random term
is set to unity. Am I missing anything? Actually the same happens when
trying to replicate the ARMA(1,1) example in the guide.
set echo off
set messages off
set seed 1234
nulldata 20
matrix a = muniform(2,1) # AR
series u = normal()
series y = 0
# Simulate AR(2) process
list Ly = y(-1 to -2)
y = lincomb(Ly,a) + u # 1st version
# Use filter() now
series y2 = filter(u, 1, a)
print y y2 -o # Not the same