On Tue, 18 Sep 2007, Summers, Peter wrote:
I use gretl in my introductory econometrics class, and one of my
students is experiencing a strange (imho) problem installing it on her
computer. In the course of trying to help her out I've discovered that
there seems to be something wrong with the gretl-1.6.5.exe file on the
windows page. After saving this file to disk, it turns out to only be
about 21kB instead of 9MB.
You mean, the link labeled "gretl-1.6.5.exe" on
http://gretl.sourceforge.net/win32/ ?
That links to the sourceforge download system. I just tried it
and got the full 9MB exe file. Note that with these sourceforge
auto-links you can't right-click and "Save as" (you'll just get
the HTML for the download page, which is apparently what your
student got). Just left-click and the download mechanism will
kick in.
OK, so on to the current snapshot. This installs fine on my
machine, but she gets an error saying "Error creating INI entry
in file "c:\windows\wgnuplot.ini". This sounds like a registry
issue (maybe?) - at any rate it falls within my range of
She can't actually be trying the current snapshot: we got rid of
wgnuplot.ini some time back (it was creating a permissions
problem, but was also redundant). If she uses the actual
snapshot she shouldn't have that issue:
Allin Cottrell