Many thanks for your reponse, I try install Gretl 1.7.4 from Tar files,
but I'll find many errors, then I convert rpm files to *.deb files using
alien command, but I think that installation isn't complete, but I don't
find directory plugin in usr/share/gretl where find I'll
try again install from tar files.
Converting from rpm to deb may work sometimes, but is not ideal. You may
want to try the 1.7.4 version in Debian unstable (Debian packages have
much better chances to work out of the box on Ubuntu). The best thing,
however, is always building from the source. What kind of errors do you
get? I regularly build gretl on my Ubuntu 7.10 laptop with no problem.
Maybe you need to install some packages.
Riccardo (Jack) Lucchetti
Dipartimento di Economia
Università Politecnica delle Marche