Thanks a lot! Now I'll recode for my modified IGARCH and test it.
I hope that it will work now, since I really do not understand
why it would miss nice maximum ...
I'm not wandering for GARCH(1,1) from user guide mle example
and built in function. My main worry is for my modified GARCH
process and maximum found from numerical routine in Fortran
and confirmed by visualizing ll function in Mathematica.
Thanks once more,
On Sat, 5 Dec 2009, Davor Horvatic wrote:
> can you give a hint for correct coding in analytical derivatives based
> on
> example from the user guide
Attached is an example script which estimates a garch(1,1) model via mle
with analytical derivatives. The script is pretty bare: suffice it to say
that in order to compute the garch score analytically, we use the chain
rule a lot, but I guess you're smart enough to figure out what's going on
by yourself.
In case you're wondering: the slight differences with the native command
are due to the fact that in the C code we use a different (but
asymptotically equivalent, in this case) method for initialising the
conditional variance series h.
Have fun!
Riccardo (Jack) Lucchetti
Dipartimento di Economia
Universitŕ Politecnica delle Marche
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