On Fri, 7 Dec 2012, Sven Schreiber wrote:
Am 07.12.2012 12:22, schrieb Stefano Fachin:
> I bumped into a feature of Hansl that may be produce puzzling results:
> using the "pre-multiplication by transpose" notation X'Y with X a 1x1
> matrix (that is, defined as a matrix, but with 1 row and 1 column, for
> instance because the result of the product of a row vector for a column
> vector) produces the "non conformable data type" error, while using the
> full syntax X'*Y os ok.
what version are you using? I'm not getting this behavior on a November
build of gretl (on Linux).
Hmm, I am seeing that on current CVS:
matrix m1 = 2*ones(1,1)
matrix m2 = 3*I(3)
matrix m3 = m1'*m2 # no error flagged
m3 = m1'm2 # error flagged here
Pretty obviously, the results should be consistent, but which
case are we going to say is "right"?