Andreas Karlsson schrieb:
* Add a menu entry for creating cross tabulation tables, for cross
tabulation of one variable against the other
Do you have in mind a GUI for 'xtab' or something else? Anyway I agree
it would be useful.
* For OLS output, also show the ANOVA table (or add a check box
the user can choose to show the ANOVA table in the output)
I don't understand this one, can you explain a bit?
* In the outputs decimals (,) are used as separators (e.g., 3,14),
for input one have to use a full stop (.) as separator (e.g., 3.14).
This is somwehat unintuitive, and should be changed so that the same is
used for output and input.
AFAIK the period (.) is only required in scripts and such. Otherwise it
may be a bug.