Am 26.02.2018 um 16:11 schrieb Riccardo (Jack) Lucchetti:
On Mon, 26 Feb 2018, Sven Schreiber wrote:
If we could have a LLVM front-end for Hansl, it'd be fantastic.
Unfortunately, I believe we simply don't have the resources to undertake
that project.
Yes and no, IMO. Indeed I don't think it makes much sense to reinvent
the wheel and have yet another llvm frontend. But I think the similarity
of julia with respect to hansl and the fact that it's a pretty
self-contained JITting package could be leveraged.
I have started work on a proof of concept that would take the code of a
number-crunching function written in pure (and maybe somewhat
simplified) hansl, would translate it to julia automagically and would
thus use julia as a JITting backend. Of course there's an overhead, but
IMO it's negligible for any significant computation time.
I also have a cool working title for this toy project, but I won't tell
(yet) ;-)
Everybody is welcome to join in, of course.