Hi all,
I was revisiting some code I wrote a few years ago, and came across what is at least
changed (and unexpected) behavior. I have a script that loops over various numbers of
possible structural breaks, and does some MCMC sampling for each value. I want to write
the mcmc draws to separate data sets labeled by the number of breaks.
Here's what I originally had:
loop ii=1..breaks --quiet
Nbreaks = ii-1
# do a bunch of stuff
loop draws = 1..ndraws -quiet -progressive
# Do MCMC stuff
rhohat = (draw from posterior)
# now save the draws
sprintf fname "rho_%d.gdt", nbreaks
store "@fname" rhohat
This worked fine for me when I wrote it. However currently with the latest Windows
snapshot, after the first time through the loop, gretl stores successive data sets under
the name "(a)fname.gdt". The string is being updated properly, but not parsed by
the store command. If I insert the line
blah = "@fname"
between the sprintf and store commands, everything works fine.
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Dr. Peter M. Summers |
One University Parkway, High Point, NC 27268
Office: 336-841-9650 | Department of Economics
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