On Wed, 8 Aug 2012, Allin Cottrell wrote:
I presume you want the series to show with "linespoints".
get that effect it's not enough to specify a "pt" variant
for the line 1 style, you also have to activate it on the
"plot" line in the gnuplot file, as in
plot '-' using 1:2 w linespoints
(or just "lp" for "linespoints"). That's something you can't
do via the mechanism of adding "{...}" material to gretl's
"gnuplot" command, since gretl takes charge of writing the
"plot" line(s). Perhaps there should be a --with-lp option
to the command, but right now there isn't.
OK, now there is, in CVS and snapshots, so if you add the
--with-lp option you should get what you're looking for.
Allin Cottrell