Hi all,
I am a bit confused about the following. I estimated following two
models which give exactly the same results. The first one uses the
VECM command and the second one the VAR command. For both I compute
the IRF(1,1) but they look different, which should not be the case,
or? Or do I miss something here ...
open denmark
list Y = LRM LRY IBO
scalar lag = 4
scalar rnk = 1
vecm lag rnk Y --crt
matrix sigma_vecm = $sigma
matrix oirf11_vecm = irf(1,1,0)
# The same using the var command
matrix ECM = $ec
list eclist = null
loop i=1..cols(ECM) -q
series ECM$i = ECM[,i]
eclist += ECM$i
list EXO = eclist #const #|| exo2 || eclist
scalar varlag = lag-1
var varlag diff(Y) ; EXO
matrix sigma_var = $sigma
matrix oirf11_var = irf(1,1,0)
print sigma_vecm sigma_var
OIRF = oirf11_vecm ~ oirf11_var
gnuplot 1 2 --with-lines --time-series --matrix=OIRF --output=display