Dear Allin,
Thanks for this. This also answers my qustion from
end of last year. I was interested in possiblity
that one can have multiple options to for lag selection.
I'll test you also script.
All the best,
On Fri, 20 Feb 2009, Ignacio Diaz-Emparanza wrote:
> I remember that in the time when I was using RATS, there was an
> interesting procedure "lagselect" which served to decide how to
> determine the lag. You can have a look at it in
Thanks for the reference. I have hacked up a little script to
play AIC, BIC and HQC against gretl's built-in "testing down"
procedure (attached). Perhaps some people might like to play with
it. Here's one set of results, for the case where the original
error process is AR(3) and we test down from a maximum lag of 6.
y = 0.02 + 0.9*y(-1) + u
u = 0.5*u(-1) - 0.3*u(-2) + 0.2*u(-3) + e
e = normal()
test regression:
ols dy const y(-1) dyL
where the list dyL contains successively 6, 5, ..., 1, 0
lags of dy.
1000 replications, test down from 6 lags
Lag order selected: mean on row 1, s.d. on row 2
AIC BIC HQC z-test
5.85 3.38 4.97 3.16
0.46 1.48 1.26 1.39
The built-in z-test procedure looks pretty good, as does BIC, but
AIC and HQC seem to select too many lags. AIC selects the maximum
lags available most of the time. This is emphasized if we put the
max lag order (from which we test down) to 8 while leaving
everything else unchanged:
1000 replications, test down from 8 lags
Lag order selected: mean on row 1, s.d. on row 2
AIC BIC HQC z-test
7.85 3.95 6.64 3.98
0.45 2.07 1.73 2.12
The script is set up so that you can easily tweak the parameters
governing y and u.
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