Am 22.11.2019 um 10:35 schrieb Stefano:
although Jack is indeed always right and the SVAR package is
a more natural place to do IRFs, my question was prompted by the need
to demonstrate the basics of VAR estimation in class - for this
purpose the GUI command and associated outoput menus "Tests",
"Analysis" etc is perfectly fit, except that I feel uncomortable to
show confidence intervals with unclear characteristics :-)
Nevertheless, my proposal is to (a) increase the number of bootstrap
iterations in there from 999 to 1999, (b) add a note about this to the
help text "Impulse response plots" that you get when you click on Help
in the IRF specification dialog. Anybody objecting?
(I don't think adding an option for the user is high priority because of
the existence of the SVAR addon.)
But while we're at the built-in IRF GUI, I don't find the current
structure of menu entries optimal. I'm talking about the VAR model
window, and there you have menu Plots/Impulse responses (various
entries), and secondly Analysis/Impulse responses. In the second item
you just get the numbers of the point estimates, so in a way it's OK
that it's not under "Plots". However, there doesn't seem to be any way
to get the numbers of the bootstrapped confidence bands which is a pity.
So if there were an option in the IRF Plot dialog to save the numbers to
a matrix, then the second entry under Analysis could be scrapped I guess.