Am 16.11.2020 um 16:45 schrieb riles(a)
The Hurst exponent is graphed and outputted to the console via
hurstplot (const int *list, DATASET *dset, gretlopt opt, PRN *prn)
function found in graphing.c. This function calls hurst_exponent(...) function found in
fractals.c, which is in the plugins folder. Is there a way I can access the hurst
exponent that is printed to the console?
in the hurst_exponent(....) function found in fractals.c there is the following
/* store estimate for $result accessor */
result = gretl_matrix_alloc(1, 2);
gretl_matrix_set(result, 0, 0, hmod.coeff[1]);
gretl_matrix_set(result, 0, 1, hmod.sderr[1]);
colnames = strings_array_new(2);
colnames[0] = gretl_strdup("hurst");
colnames[1] = gretl_strdup("se");
gretl_matrix_set_colnames(result, colnames);
set_last_result_data(result, GRETL_TYPE_MATRIX);
Hi, this code is actually quite recent, it wasn't possible to access the
result (from the hansl side) before 2020c.
Is this storing the hurst exponent some were, and if so is it
accesiable through the C/C++ API
As it says it fills the '$result' accessor which is a
hansl-scripting-only thing, however.
Without having tried it myself, I'd guess that get_last_result_data in
lib/src/describe.c might be what you need.
tell us how it went