On Tue, 10 May 2016, Schaff, Frederik wrote:
sorry for the delay on my part.
At the moment one can only modify legend entries by changing the
name of the series accordingly.
Actually, no: you can adjust the legend entry for a series via the
"setinfo" command. Here's a little example:
open data9-7
setinfo PRIME --graph-name="Prime rate"
setinfo UNEMP --graph-name="Unemployment"
gnuplot PRIME UNEMP --time-series --with-lines --output=display
Furthermore, the way the data is plotted is limited to a few options
and one cannot adjust the width of the line, e.g.
A typical gnuplot line produced may look like:
plot \
'-' using 1:($2) axes x1y1 title "input__ACF_fft (left)" w lines, \
'-' using 1:($2) axes x1y2 title "input__AMDF (right)" w lines
In order to change this to, e.g.,
plot \
'-' using 1:($2) axes x1y1 title " ACF via FFT (left)" w impulses lw 3,
'-' using 1:($2) axes x1y2 title " AMDF (right)" w lines lw 3
One has to either save the plot as icon and manipulate the gp or
save it as gp and manipulate it there.
True, you can't set specific line widths via options to gretl's
"gnuplot" or "plot" commands.
The thing is, there are tons of options in gnuplot and there are
diminishing returns to exposing these via options to gretl's commands.
Our code for driving gnuplot is already very complicated and handles a
large number of options -- see
However, there's the --input=filename option to gnuplot which allows
you to formulate your own plot specification (you write the spec to
file, then source it using this option). That way you have complete
freedom. One item on my agenda (when I have time) is to write up some
help on this, and tweak a few commands so as to make it easier (for
example, provide an easier way to print data in the form wanted for a
gnuplot source file).