Am 04.12.2008 23:20, Allin Cottrell schrieb:
On Thu, 4 Dec 2008, Sven Schreiber wrote:
> Please guys, there are different conventions out there about
> whether lag order refers to levels or differences in the
> unit-root/cointegration context. Believe me, I know what I'm
> talking about here...
I believe you! Sorry to make a meal out of this, but is this the
question that needs clarification, then: When gretl says the lag
order is, say, 3, does that mean the ADF regression contains 3 or
2 lags of \tilde y, where \tilde y is the dependent var in the
DF regression?
Now you have me completely baffled, Allin! _You_ are asking _me_ about
what gretl is actually doing? I must be misunderstanding something...
Ok, let's get explicit then: when gretl says that (or rather when the
user specifies the ADF test in gretl such that) the lag order is 3, then
gretl estimates:
\Delta y_t = (a-1) y_{t-1}
+ \sum_{i=1}^3 a_i \Delta y_{t-i}
(leaving out deterministics and residuals here)
But the point is that if you start out by looking at an AR(p) process
(in levels) which can be written as:
y_t = \sum_{i=1}^p b_i y_{t-i}
and want to test that process for a unit root, you reparameterize this
as an ADF test regression and you get:
\Delta y_t = (b-1) y_{t-1} + \sum{i=1}^{p-1} b*_i \Delta y_{t-i}
The number of terms and parameters is the same (namely, p), but the AR
with p lags gives you p-1 lags of differences in the ADF. (I'm not
writing this down because I think you don't know this but to avoid more
Now, gretl asks you for p-1 and that's perfectly fine and you can call
that k if you like. But how on earth am I supposed to know it's not
asking for p as in AR(p)? IIRC the p is what you have to tell PcGive,
for example.
So that's the clarification I am suggesting: Tell the user explicitly
that the lag order refers to differences. That's all.
thanks for listening, now it's getting late in Europe,