Dear all,
what follows is a summary of a recent exchange on the developers' list:
rumour has it that sometimes gretl can't open files created by excel 2003
properly. I don't have excel myself, but I ran some experiments using a
friend's computer and I was unable to generate realistic test cases in xls
format that gretl couldn't open. After my request, Sven tried too, but
with the same result. Allin then suggested that maybe the rumour
originated from files in the 2003 XML office format, which we know we
can't read presently.
So, as per Sven's suggestion, this is a request for cooperation: has any
of you come across an xls file created by excel 2003 which gretl couldn't
open? If so, could you provide us with it so that we try to figure out
what the problem is?
Riccardo (Jack) Lucchetti
Dipartimento di Economia
Università Politecnica delle Marche