On Sat, 16 Jan 2010, Henrique wrote:
When I try to open a xls file (with monthly data) through console (or
file) I get a mixed translation. I'm using Gretl in Brazilian Portuguese but
the message I get is:
? open "/Users/henrique/Economia/Tese/Dados/Dados.xls"
Aten��o: havia valores ausentes
etiqueta da primeira linha "1953/01/01", �ltima etiqueta
tentando interpretar etiquetas de linhas como sendo datas...
*Trying date order YYYYMMDD
Could be 1953/01/01 - 2009/05/01
Observations: 677; days in sample: 20575
Probably monthly data*
1953: provavelmente um ano... m�s 01?
Lista das 33 vari�veis:
What's wrong?
Some of these strings were not marked for translation. I have now
marked them.