Am 25.09.2017 um 02:46 schrieb Guy Krug:
Hi there,
Couple things I noticed in using Gretl on my Mac.
Thanks for reporting.
First is it localized to Japanese for some reason on install.
We actually had a bug report a couple of months back from a user with
the same problem. The workaround to delete the Japanese (and other?)
language environment did help, but of course is not a real fix. Strange
thing, we'll keep an eye open.
Second I noticed that there was recently code added (07/23) to handle
quotations on importing CSVs. I have a CSV with names in it and some
names have quotations (like O'Brien).
I'm not sure if that counts as a quotation in the sense of what was
added. (I don't remember.) It's an apostrophe character (we sometimes
have similar things in German) but not a quotation mark which should
usually come in pairs.
Anyway, if you could respond to Allin's previous question about your
language settings that would be helpful.