Am 14.03.2015 um 15:15 schrieb Allin Cottrell:
On Sat, 14 Mar 2015, Sven Schreiber wrote:
>>> list X=dummify(Z5) --drop-first
>> "
> Remark for Allin and Jack:
> BTW, I think the error message is strange insofar as IMO the parser
> should complain already about the "--" in there, not about the
> word, no? But perhaps this has been changed since last release.
The "--" is in principle OK if interpreted as "minus minus", as in
"y =
f(x) --a".
Right. So if by coincidence "drop" and "first" were both existing
scalars (or even series?) then no error would be issued and the
expression would be read as:
list X = dummify(Z5) + drop - first
Because "drop" and "first" are not reserved words AFAICS. Maybe
being paranoid, but somehow this makes me nervous...