I find the possibility of launching and using R directly from Gretl very
good! I appreciated still more the fact that the variables in Gretl were
automatically present and ready to use for R. You made a very good job!
As a further step (or is this already available and I just didn't see
it?) it would be really great if there would be the possibility to run
scripts to R from Gretl. The reasons are:
-R is also for econometrics a real good programm and has a lot of
interesting packages (just have a look on "strucchange" or "urca" for
time series)
-The GUIs for R aren't for now really convincing (maybe with the
exception of RKward?), or not oriented to econometrics. This would make
- I think- Gretl still more interesting!
What do you think about this? (I know, it's always easy to suggest, more
complicated to make)
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