Dear gretl users,
I have a problem with plotting IRFs of a SVAR model saved on the icon menu.
Specifically, once I close a session (I mean closing gretl), after having
estimated and saved a SVAR model via script, I am not able to plot its IRFs
when I re-open the session. Even if the "bundle" is saved on the icon menu,
I use a script to plot the IRFs (just using IRFplot(&Mod,1,1) and I get the
following message:
gretl version 1.9.12cvs
Current session: 2013-05-19 04:06
? IRFplot(&SVARregs,2,1)
"snames": no such item
*** error in function IRFplot
snames = obj["snames"]
Error executing script: halting
Any suggestion?
Thanks in advance.