Hi Allin,
I’m a huge fan of the gretl platform and use it quite a bit in my professional job. But
recently, I’ve run into some trouble. Are you still able to provide help on gretl? I’m
trying to import data using ODBC connection, but I’m halting at the data command line.
Here is my code:
open dsn=FIGTrading --odbc
string SQLQuery = "SELECT spreads_ont5year, spreads_cmb5year FROM tbl_Spreads WHERE
data y t obs-format="%g" query=SQLQuery –odbc
Here is what gretl returns:
gretl version 1.9.92
Current session: 2015-03-05 16:34
? open dsn=FIGTrading --odbc
Connected to ODBC data source 'FIGTrading'
? string SQLQuery = "SELECT spreads_ont5year, spreads_cmb5year FROM \
tbl_Spreads WHERE ((spreads_date)>(DateValue(Date())-200))"
Replaced string SQLQuery
? data y t obs-format="%g" query=SQLQuery --odbc
Error executing script: halting
data y t obs-format="%g" query=SQLQuery --odbc
If you could provide any feedback on this that would be great!
[Description: cid:image001.jpg@01CFE944.0366CB30]
Michael Walker
Associé / Associate
Groupe revenu fixe/Fixed Income Group
Marché des Capitaux/Capital Markets
Valeurs Mobilières Desjardins / Desjardins Securities Inc
25, York Street , Suite 1000
Toronto, Ontario M5J 2V5
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