Hebert Suárez Cahuana schrieb:
I want to assign labels to my data, in /Data/Add label.... How build
file that contain labels?
check out the manual chapter 4 -- quoting:
Dates (or observation labels): Optionally, the rst column may contain
strings such as dates, or
labels for cross-sectional observations. Such strings have a maximum of
8 characters (as with
variable names, longer strings will be truncated). A column of this sort
should be headed with the
string obs or date, or the rst row entry may be left blank.
For dates to be recognized as such, the date strings must adhere to one
or other of a set of specic
formats, as follows. For annual data: 4-digit years. For quarterly data:
a 4-digit year, followed
by a separator (either a period, a colon, or the letter Q), followed by
a 1-digit quarter. Examples:
1997.1, 2002:3, 1947Q1. For monthly data: a 4-digit year, followed by a
period or a colon, followed
by a two-digit month. Examples: 1997.01, 2002:10.
So although I haven't tried it, I would use a plain text file
(preferably ASCII) with one such short string per line, in the order of
the observations in the dataset of course.
good luck,