El Jueves, 16 de Febrero de 2006 17:01, escribió:
I think that, with gretl as-is, the seasonal AR operator just sticks
s-lagged dependent variable into the conditional mean specification, which
of course is not right from your viewpoint. If you expand the lag
polynomial in your example, you get
(1 - \phi_1 L - \Phi_1 L^s + \phi_1 \Phi_1 l^{s+1}) Y_t = \epsilon_t
which is an ordinary autoregressive model (with some "holes" in), subject
to a nonlinear constraint.
If you don't need an MA part, you can estimate your model via nls like this
(suppose s = 4):
# initialize by OLS
ols y const y(-1) y(-4) y(-5)
scalar m = $coeff(const)
scalar phi = $coeff(y_1)
scalar Phi = $coeff(y_4)
# estimate via nls
nls y = m + phi*y(-1) + Phi*y(-4) - phi*Phi*y(-5)
end nls
Is this what you have in mind?
Yes, and I think this is what Gretl should calculate with the "arma" command.
From Box and Jenkins (see Box,Jenkins and Reinsel book chapter 9, page
this is the standard way to include seasonality in an ARMA model.
> Furthermore, if I estimate an
> AR(4)xAR(1)s, gretl gives an error, since following the rule, it has to
> assign the same name to the fourth AR(4) coefficient and the unique
> AR(1)s one. (I obtain: "memory fault error").
Sorry, not very exact
Spanish to English translation. The gretl english
version gives "out of memory error".
> Exactly the same occurs
> with the MA part.
I'm not sure I understand here. Could you post your results?
Obviously, I do not have results. I thought gretl was estimating a "truely"
multiplicative model as above. So I hoped to obtain
phi_1, phi_2, phi_3, phi_4 and Phi_4 being Phi_4 (seasonal coeff) different to
phi_4. In a multiplicative MA(4)xMA(1)s
Y_t=(1-\theta_1 L- ... - \theta_4 L^4)(1-\Theta_1 L^4)\epsilon_t
I suppose the same is happening, gretl has a problem with the naming of
coeffs: e(-1), e(-2), e(-3), e(-4) and, so it is not possible to use again
e(-4) for the seasonal.
Ignacio Díaz-Emparanza
Dpto. de Economía Aplicada III (Econometría y Estadística)