Hi Sven,
Thank you for your answer. I wasn't even aware of keyword shortcuts: I was clicking on
the arrows. When I click for example on the blue arrow to select the dependent variable
nothing happens (the variable is not written in the appropriate space). Same for the green
arrow selecting the regressors (for the dependent variable one can type instead of using
the arrow, but for the regressors this is not viable). Since you mentioned the existence
of shortcuts, I tried: it seems that <shift>+<right arrow> and
<shift>+<left arrow> does the job for the regressors even when I share the
desktop, and since the dependent variable can be typed, this is a reasonable workaround.
About you old tests: the problem arises only if you share the entire screen/desktop: if
instead you share Gretl things work smooth (maybe this is what you did when you tried).
-----Original Message-----
From: Sven Schreiber <svetosch(a)gmx.net>
Sent: Saturday, 27 February, 2021 12:17 PM
To: gretl-users(a)gretlml.univpm.it
Subject: [Gretl-users] Re: Gretl & online teaching
Am 27.02.2021 um 09:39 schrieb Rocco Roberto Mosconi:
Hi, I noticed a problem when teaching online with gretl using Cisco
Webex: I use to share my desktop, and when doing so the arrows used to
select the variables (e.g. in OLS) do not work.
Hi Rocco, do you mean that you cannot click on them? Or do you use some keyboard
(like I do). Anyone knows how to solve this? Is it a problem in gretl
or Cisco Webex?
I did a gretl tutorial over Cisco Webex in the first lockdown/wave and cannot remember any
problems, but that is quite some time ago. I could test again later.
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