On Tue, 12 Feb 2008, Nieves Sánchez Martínez wrote:
Hello, I need to use transfer function models but I don't know if Gretl
can do it. I've read Gretl help documents and I haven't found it. Could
you please tell me how can I do it using Gretl (if possible)?
If what you need is a univariate model of the kind
A(L)y_t = B(L)x_t + C(L)u_t
where L is the lag operator and u_t is a white noise sequence, that's
exactly what the "arima" command, with the --conditional option, does. In
the graphical client, you must select Model>Time series>ARIMA and select
"Conditional maximum likelihood" just above the "Help" button (by
exact maximum likelihood is used, which estimates something different).
You'll find a more complete discussion in the manual.
Riccardo (Jack) Lucchetti
Dipartimento di Economia
Università Politecnica delle Marche