On Mon, 17 Sep 2012, Ignacio Diaz-Emparanza wrote:
A different possibility is to play with strings. We have the command
'obslabel' for this.
For example, if the observations are quarterly, this code writes the
year of the 't' observation into the string 'iyear' and the quarter into
the string 'iquarter': (where t=1, 2, 3, ... is the 1-based index of the
observation: )
string s = obslabel(t)
sscanf s, "%d:%d", tyear, tquarter
If you need it, you may then put the strings in scalars in this way:
scalar ty=@tyear
scalar tq=@tquarter
Hmm, the "%d" conversion already produces a scalar.
If series results are wanted, here's a variant on Ignacio's
suggestion. It's bulkier than Jack's suggestion, but it
doesn't depend on knowing the starting year and quarter in
open data9-7
series quarter year
scalar tyear tquart
string s
loop t=1..$nobs -q
s = obslabel(t)
sscanf s, "%d:%d", tyear, tquart
year[t] = tyear
quarter[t] = tquart
print year quarter --byobs
Allin Cottrell